Customer Testimonial

Without a tool allowing to automate the Import of Lotus Notes documents, each document should have been copied manually into MOSS 2007. Even for a small amount, this job would have been tedious, very time consuming and with no integrity guarantee for the data transferred. Furthermore, the dynamic elements, like the sections, would have been difficult to recover. With Cooperteam Notes Extractor, the whole of the documents of our Lotus Notes applications was integrated fast, with no loss of information and with a minimum of work to have them up and ready. The speed and ease of Import allow iteration if needed to correct the Notes documents in order to optimize the result in MOSS.
Fabrice Poiraud-Lambert, Project Director, Vedior France
Project Description
At the end of 2006, Groupe Vedior France starts its application migration project from the Lotus Notes/Domino platform to the new infrastructure based on the Microsoft SharePoint Portal 2007 (MOSS 2007) technology. In this context Groupe Vedior France needs a solution to automate data transfer with no data loss and guaranteeing data integrity.
This solution must transfer documents only as the migration does not concern the functional elements such as call to actions, agents, etc… All the applications to migrate will have the same template.
The structure of the documents to migrate is composed of various fields defining the document as well as a rich text field storing the critical data. The target arborescence in Share Point is dynamic depending on the type of data to process.
Project Challenge
Automating the migration of Lotus Notes Application documents to the new Microsoft SharePoint Portal 2007 platform.
The solution
Cooperteam offered Groupe Vedior France a software solution allowing in a first phase to export the documents from Lotus Notes databases to HTML documents, and in a second phase, to import the HTML documents to the MOSS 2007 platform specifically developed for Groupe Vedior France.
The two modules process the data asynchronously, database after database, leaving the option to sequence the actions. An export filter was created to integrate or delete specific functional components of the original template. The advantages are detailed below:
FAST: The migration process is extremely fast, making it possible to test the results, and in case of any problem modify the documents in Notes and repeat the process in order to improve the result in MOSS.
CONFIGURABLE: Notes Extractor can be configured in order to select the documents to process, or limit the export of visual information, in order to meet business/technical requirements. The import in SharePoint can be personalized.
NO DATA LOSS: 100% of the data is migrated, the only modifications concern some visuals - which are always identified – that can slightly changed (color gradients, shadows).
DATA INTEGRITY: All the Dynamic components of the Notes databases, such as sections and tables are fully migrated and Helpdesks.
FLEXIBLE: Notes Extractor can be configured in order to process the databases per department / Database Manager.
  • With a manual process migration only 2 to 4 documents would have been migrated per hour. Notes Extractor is 100 to 200 times faster migrating 400 documents per hour reducing drastically the migration costs.
  • With Info NSF the document to migrate were audited and analyzed, allowing Groupe Vedior to estimate accurately project costs and duration.
The result
Processing in average 400 documents per hour for the export to HTML and following import to MOSS 2007 the solution provided by Cooperteam allowed the integration of the 2 000 documents stored in twenty databases in 2 months, including all the functional validations as well as the corrective actions that were suggested by the database managers.
Project summary
Converted from : Notes Domino
Extracted to : Microsoft SharePoint Portal
Project duration : Nov.-Dec. 2006
Technical environment : Notes Domino infrastructure.
Customer profile
Groupe Vedior is a leader in Human Resources providing a complete portfolio of staffing services.
Project summary
Automating the migration of Lotus Notes Application documents to the new Microsoft SharePoint Portal 2007 platform.
Solution used
  • Fast.
  • Configurable.
  • Flexible.
  • Costs reduction and control.

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