Customer Testimonial

Thanks to Desktop Manager we had at our disposal detailed information on the Notes client configuration for each one of our 11,000 users. This allowed us to quickly identify the groups of users that had configurations incompatible with the migration process, in order to temporarily exclude them from the standard migration process. These groups of users were later modified individually by Desktop Manager in order to reintegrate the migration process.
Kim Le, Notes Domino Architect, Arkema
Project overview
With a rapidly growing environment, ARKEMA was confronted with increasing mailbox costs and service availability issues; leading them to take the decision to consolidate their messaging servers. To ensure that the transition process would be done in a cost effective way, without impacting the business, ARKEMA asked COOPERTEAM Software to assist them with their project: we provided the tools and the methodology to successfully migrate the 11,000 users.
Project context
The following requirements initiated the consolidation project launch:
The need to upgrade ageing hardware in the messaging Infrastructure.
The need to lower the total cost of ownership of the Lotus Domino environment, which was too high due to the number of servers.
Improved WAN bandwidth allowing to consolidate the messaging environment.
Benefits of the consolidation
Reduced Mailbox TCO.
Increased availability of the messaging/groupware services.
Optimized Lotus Notes Domino infrastructure reliability and flexibility.
Centralized administration and monitoring with the ability to provide scheduled and automated maintenance or modification tasks on individual Notes clients.
Project requirements
Migrate the messaging/groupware services, with no service disruption and minimum impact on end-users.
Ensure a smooth migration creating hardly any incidents for the end-users and there for a minimum impact on the helpdesk team.
Minimize costs through full automation of the migration process.
Ensure a total control of the process by tracking the workflow for each client.
The solution
Desktop Manager is a software solution from COOPERTEAM that allows you to centrally audit and manage installation and configuration settings for Lotus Notes clients. Administrators can track (by user or user group) the configurations of their Lotus Notes fleet and modify them, according to infrastructure changes, for example:
Defining new rules concerning user preferences.
Deploying new applications.
Triggering administration processes usually reserved for the databases present on a server.
Modifying the replicator page.
Centralizing users on the same server and switching to local replica mode, etc.
As part of this project, the Desktop Manager is used to deploy replicated local mode and then change server users.
Project implementation
COOPERTEAM Software’s Methodology was clearly identified by ARKEMA as the best way to reach their objectives. After a quick implementation of Desktop Manager, the migration process was rapidly tailored and tested by COOPERTEAM consultants.
During the project Desktop Manager was used to deploy the local replica mode in a first phase before massively changing the server and user configurations. After the project roll-out, ARKEMA continued using COOPERTEAM software to continuously optimize the 11,000 Notes client’s configurations, increasing end user’s productivity and improving the messaging system's security.
Project summary
Converted from : Notes Domino
Extracted to : HTML/XML, then SharePoint
Durée du projet : January to February 2008
Technical environment: With 11,000 users, the productivity of ARKEMA’s daily business relies on Lotus Notes & Domino platform for e-mail and collaboration activities.
Customer profile
ARKEMA is a global chemical company and France’s leading chemicals producer of state-of-the-art specialty chemicals that provide customers with practical solutions to such challenges as climate change, access to drinking water, the future of energy, fossil fuel preservation and the need for lighter materials.
The brand worldwide
With operations in more than 40 countries, 14,000 employees & 7 research centers, ARKEMA generates annual revenue of € 5.5 billion and holds leadership positions in all its markets with a portfolio of internationally recognized brands.
Solution used
Project Goals
  • Reduce the number of incidents for the messaging and groupware support team.
  • Automatically identify and delete inactive mailboxes.
  • Optimize and increase the reliability of the messaging system.
  • Consolidate and upgrade 30 decentralized servers.

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