Customer Testimonial

Cooperteam responded to our needs on all aspects, from the execution of the project in a timely manner, with a minimum amount of service disruption, to providing the end result that we were looking for. We would recommend Cooperteam to anyone who is looking to convert Notes Domino applications into SharePoint sites.
The Project Manager
Project description
Our customer was referred to Cooperteam by another company in their industry who had worked on similar projects with us in the past. Their goal was to find an affordable solution that could extract the data and design of the databases stored on their Notes Domino server and convert it into a format that was compatible with their SharePoint environment.
The challenge
They needed to hire a company who could not only provide the appropriate tools, but with the required competency to execute the complete mission, from extracting the data into HTML/XML and then importing it into SharePoint with the respect of the project’s deadline. After exploring their options, and all things considered, they decided that Cooperteam was the best fit for their needs.
The solution
Cooperteam’s technical staff divided the project into three phases:
1. Audit Phase: Ccritical phase to detect any potential issues as well as to audit the number of documents & attachment file sizes of all target applications. During this Audit phase, Cooperteam discovered an additional 40 Quickr applications to be processed with the original 195 (235 in total).
2. Exportation Phase: from all target Quickr applications, Cooperteam used Notes Extractor in order to extract the .nsf data into HTML/XML formats, and the design (views, forms, menus) was converted into XSL format. The goal of this conversion was to provide all Quickr databases in an open format, rendering them easily accessible for the long term.
3. Importation Phase: from the HTML/XML/XSL results, SharePoint Provisioner was used to import the data into new SharePoint sites located on an On Premise SharePoint 2013 server.
The result
The Business was able to access to the Data during the project execution, as the exportation of the data was made outside of business hours.
Once the exportation was completed, and the IBM Domino Server was decommissioned, end-users could explore to the data in the new HTML/XML.
Importing the data & design into new SharePoint sites allowed the Business to not only explore the data, but also to easily modify it (add, edit, remove), as the new SharePoint sites have the same look & feel as their original Quickr applications.
Project summary
Converted from: Notes Domino
Extracted to: Microsoft SharePoint
Project duration: June to September 2016
Technical environment: Microsoft SharePoint infrastructure.
Client profile
A top supplier in the construction and paving industry in the United States.
Project configuration
Our customer operates in a Microsoft SharePoint 2013 environment. When they acquired new business from another company who works in an Notes Domino environment, they needed to find a solution that would allow their business users to not only access the acquired data, but to be able to manipulate it as well. The application scope was for 235 Quickr applications.
Solutions used
  • The Business was able to access the Data during the project execution.
  • Before being imported into SharePoint, end-users could explore the data via a web browser.
  • The new SharePoint sites have the same look & feel as the original Quickr Apps.

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